Russia also launched its moon mission after India’s Chandrayaan-3: As we all are seeing that these days where India’s Moon mission is making headlines all over the world, now Russia has also launched its Moon mission, this mission has been created to give new momentum to its space sector. The launch of Luna-25 is Moscow’s first lunar mission since 1976. The rocket carrying the Luna-25 probe lifted off from the Vostochny Cosmodrome at 02:10 am Moscow time (Thursday 2310 GMT), according to live images broadcast by the Russian space agency Roscosmos.
The spacecraft is about to reach the Moon’s orbit in five days. It will then spend three to seven days picking the right spot before landing in the Moon’s south pole region. Roscosmos senior official Alexander Blokhin recently said, “For the first time in history, the landing will take place at the south pole of the Moon. Until now, everyone has been landing in the equatorial region.” Roscosmos hopes to land on the moon around August 21, an agency source told AFP.
The Russian space agency said the spacecraft, which will stay on the Moon for a year, will be tasked with “taking samples and analyzing soil” as well as “conducting long-term scientific research”. The launch is the first mission in Russia’s new lunar program, which begins at a time when the conflict with Ukraine is depriving Roscosmos of its partnership with the West.
According to Russian space expert Vitaly Egorov, this mission is the first time post-Soviet Russia has attempted to place an instrument on a celestial body. “The biggest question will be: Can it land?” He told AFP, stressing that the mission was “very important” for Russia. President Vladimir Putin has promised to continue Russia’s space program despite the sanctions.
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